Main Entry: frost heave  
Function: noun  
: an upthrust of ground or pavement caused
by freezing of moist soil
—called also frost heaving
daniel hales and the frost heaves  
Function: plural noun  
Date: 2004
:an eclectic music collective causing an upthrust in the ground and pavement of western Massachusetts.  Led by songwriter Daniel Hales. Members (recorded) include Norm Demoura, Abbie Barrett, Matt Beers, Emily Breines, Emily Brewster, Charlie Conant, Kurt Fedora, Mike Levesque, Maggie Nowinski, Mike Pattavina, Anne Pinkerton, Kate Stephens, Tony Vacca, and Christopher Wilkey. Members (live) may include any of the above plus Leo Hwang-Carlos, Steve Koziol, and Brian Marchese.